Monday, February 15, 2021

Nervous Adventure

     First day of school... it is always nerve racking. When you're a little kid, you may be nervous about who is going to be in your class and what your teacher will be like. As you get older, you start worrying about those things plus much more. Now that I am in graduate school, my nerves skyrocketed before our first class. 

    Social Studies has never been my strong subject, I did not do well with it in middle school or high school. When I learned that I needed to take this class, I was dreading it completely. When I first started to read the syllabus, I became more and more nervous. I knew there was going to be a lot to do, but I did not realize just how much. The Easter egg hunt did take a little pressure off my shoulders. It was a fun activity that gave me hope that there would be other fun activities throughout the semester. My anxiety was still running though. I wanted to make sure that all the questions were answered correctly and that I did not miss any. I went through and counted the eggs numerous times to make sure I answer them all. It was a fun activity and made me feel better, but I am still very nervous.

    When our first class started, my nerves all came back. Our teacher had us start by making a name tag and answer a few questions, during this time we also were put into breakout rooms to discuss with other people in our class. This was a little bit of an ice breaker, which is what I needed. It was nice talking to my classmates and learning that they are just as nervous as I am. Once we came back, Dr. Smirnova got us up and moving by playing "mirror me". This activity was enjoyable because it had us standing up and moving. I enjoyed these activities because they are ones that I will be able to use in the future. 

    Although school can be nerve-wracking, it is very rewarding. I have had times where I have had anxiety attacks and felt like I was not going to get everything I needed to done, but in the end I know that I need to do it. I work hard during every class and I make goal for myself so I know that I stay on top if it. I am still very anxious and nervous about how this class is going to go, but I am ready to go. 

Here are the tasks from the Easter Egg Hunt that we participated in: 

I answered the questions on the Google Form for this egg. :)

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