Thursday, April 8, 2021

Creating Your Own Country

The Create your own Country project is a great way to get students to use their imagination and be as creative as they could be. They must think about all the information that is needed to create a country, what will the government be like, the population, etc.? It is a fun project that'll have the students using their heads. 

This lesson is a collaborative one because it requires all the students in a group working together. They will each come up with their own ideas and put them together so they are able to have one big idea together. Throughout the lesson they will have to explore, analyze and respond to all the parts. Once they have all their information they will put it together on a trifold presentation board. 

I think this project is a great one. It allows all the uniqueness that each child has to come out in its own way. This is a project that I would love to utilize in the future in my own classroom. I think it is a great way to have the students express themselves and it should be used in classrooms all over. 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Explore: Treasure Hunt

I would never think to explore the world through a scavenger hunt. However, this activity was great and kept me interested in what I was learning. I never would have thought of most of these questions myself, nor do I really think about these answers. I buy my clothes and shoes and never think about where they come from to begin with. I enjoyed all the questions that made us think about where our everyday items come from. I know that most of my families vehicles are made in the United States, but there are a lot of ones that are not made here. 

This assignment was a lot of fun and something that I hope to do for my future students. It made the learning a lot of fun. 

A Map That Leads to You!

One of the greatest experiences I was able to do this semester was teach a three part lesson to elementary school children.  Now, this adven...