Saturday, May 15, 2021

It's the Final Countdown!

 Wow! This semester was intense!!! 

I started the semester off thinking it was going to be a tough semester and I was not wrong. I was anxious and nervous most of the class this semester, but I did it. I made a giant check list and was able to check everything off of it which is such a big weight lifted off my shoulder. 

Throughout this course I learned the importance of using technology in the classroom and how helpful and fun it could be. When class first started in February, I only knew how to use Google Docs (barely). I liked using my Microsoft Word and that was the only thing I would use. However, now that I have learned to use every Google platform, I can't go back. It's so cool that you are able to share everything you need to which whom ever, whenever with just the click of a bottom. This course had taught me to appreciate all the technology that we are not using. Although I thought we were going to be learning more about how to teach Social Studies, I am grateful that I was able to learn everything that I did.

There were definitely many tears and many late nights but they all paid off. Today is the last day I had to hand in all of my work. I spent most of this nice day sitting on my computer making sure everything was as perfect as I could get it so my grade was as high as it could be. I think I did a pretty good job.

This semester was not easy, but I am super proud of everything that I did this semester and can't wait to see what next semester has in store for me!

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